Gigging is the new working model

There is no doubt that the gig economy has been criticized in the media for some time. But the fact is that today, more and more highly skilled workers are choosing to become giggers. The freedom of being your own boss and managing your own time are two strong reasons why so many workers are leaving their permanent jobs to become giggers. In this article, we look at how the perception of the gig economy has changed and why the new generation covets the gigging lifestyle.

Gigg employment is now most common among solo entrepreneurs

The most common form of entrepreneurship in Sweden is solo entrepreneurship. But there is also one form of employment that stands out: the gig economy. The reasons for the increasing popularity of gig employment include the employee's desire for more freedom - while companies seek a more flexible and agile supply of skills. 

Giggers used to be seen as stray workers

In the past, giggers have been seen by many as job hoppers. Workers with a slow start to their career who are forced to jump around from small job to small job - perhaps because they lack skills. The ideal has long been secure and permanent employment based on the Swedish labor model. Where unions and employers agree on wages, work environment, working hours and more. 

New generation workers covet the gig economy lifestyle

But today's new generation of workers want to build their careers on very different values than the classic Swedish work model. They seek flexibility, freedom and autonomy - which has made the rigidity of trade unions a constraint.

Because the new generation has a different ideal, they also have a different view of giggers. Instead of incompetent, the gigger is now seen as privileged and competent. A self-employed person so sought after that they can choose their clients and assignments. Who can work in an office or from home according to their own taste and who does not ask for vacation, but takes it. In many cases, gigging has become a sought-after lifestyle. 

More and more skilled workers are trying out life as a gigger

As the perception of gigging has become more positive in society, qualified marketers, photographers, IT consultants, web developers and many others have dared to try the life of a gigger. For many, being their own boss is rewarding. They have more control over when they want to work, how much they want to work from home, and they don't have to answer to anyone but the client. 

Entrepreneurs have more confidence in giggers

As a result, the gig economy has seen a large influx of skilled workers, raising the quality of deliveries. Companies that previously saw gig workers as a plan B are now being surprised. Hiring gig workers is no longer associated with mediocre quality, but with a level of excellence that in some areas surpasses their own staff. Confidence in contractors has therefore been boosted, as have expectations. 

Gigging is not a new working model

"The gig economy is here to stay. In fact, 71% of Swedish companies are primarily interested in hiring - not employing. The reason is that they want to be able to bring in skills just when they are needed, saving both time and money." "
- Babak Ashti, CEO Gigger AB

He continues: "The principles on which the gig economy is based are anything but new to the labor market, it's really about hiring people with specific skills for specific tasks. And that's exactly what we at Gigger want to promote" 

However, the term 'gig economy' is very broad and encompasses many different types of activities and business models. Some hire self-employed workers on behalf of their own business and thus negotiate directly with the gigger. Others mediate assignments between the gigger and the client. 

Gigger AB distinguishes itself by providing a tool that enables private individuals without their own company to invoice a client and receive a salary. Companies can in turn use Gigger's tool to buy services in HR and finance-related administration. Gigger then handles everything around salaries and employment, taxes, employer contributions, etc. Unless the gigger voluntarily turns to Gigger's customer service for advice, Gigger never interferes in the negotiations between the gigger and the client. 

The gig economy is here to stay

We can conclude that the gig economy is growing like never before - probably not because companies and gig workers are dissatisfied with the work model. It is more likely to be due to changes in the labor market and society's new ideals of an attractive working life. This has made the gig economy work model favorable for both companies and workers. 'The ever-growing number of workers who want to be in charge of their own time, workplace and assignments are simply looking for a work model that makes this possible. 


Four ways the gig economy can help your business grow

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