General terms and conditions
Published 2025-02-12
These general terms and conditions ("General Terms and Conditions") apply between Worknode Freelance AB, org. no. 559156-1294 ("Worknode"), and a self-employed person ("Self-employed Person"). Worknode's Personal Data Policy and Cookie Policy, which can be read on Worknode's website; under the heading "Agreement and General Terms and Conditions", form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.
1.1 The Self-employed person is employed by Worknode by the Self-employed person and the client company ("the Client") agreeing that the Self-employed person will perform a certain work for the Client ("the Assignment"). The employment is a general fixed-term employment in accordance with Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80), which applies during the time when the freelancer performs work for the Client, provided that the nature of the work is not covered by Worknode's insurance in accordance with §1.2.
1.2 The employment contract is concluded by the Self-employed person having registered their personal details and created a Worknode account, read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions. If the Self-employed person does not accept Worknode's general terms and conditions, an employment relationship is not considered to have been established. In the event that the Self-Employed Person does not comply with Worknode's general terms and conditions, it shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract that entitles Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-Employment Agreement. Worknode has the right but no obligation to undertake the Assignment. Worknode reserves the right to freely and without giving reasons to refuse to accept the Assignment. In the event that the Self-employed person chooses to take on assignments that are not covered by Worknode's insurance, it shall be considered a material breach of contract that entails a right for Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-employment Agreement. To read about which activities Worknode's insurance covers (see also §8.3). In cases where Worknode's insurance does not cover an assignment, in some cases additional insurance can be provided. Inquiries regarding this can be made at
1.3 In the event that the performance of the Assignment requires the Self-Employed Person to have certain permits, authorization, certification, registration or similar, it is the Self-Employed Person's responsibility to provide Worknode with such documentation before the Assignment begins. In the event that Worknode has not notified its approval of the Assignment in advance, the Self-employed person is personally responsible for the risks and requirements associated with the assignment.
1.4 It is the responsibility of the self-employed person to inform, via email to, of circumstances that are essential for Worknode's fulfillment of its obligations to the Customer or for the self-employed person to be covered by Worknode's insurance coverage.
1.5 The employment contract runs for a maximum of 4 weeks at a time linked to the start and end dates of the assignment. Each invoice period is considered to correspond to a period of employment, but no more than 4 weeks at a time.
1.6 Worknode has no obligation to the Self-employed person to provide him with other assignments than what the Self-employed person has agreed with the Customer.
1.7 The Self-Employed Person shall comply with general laws and regulations and act responsibly, linked to the assignment. In the event that the employee should violate general laws and regulations or behave grossly irresponsible, it shall be considered a material breach of contract that entails a right for Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-Employment Agreement.
1.8 In the event that Worknode and the Client have not entered into an Assignment Agreement or cooperation agreement, the Self-employed person is obliged to inform the Client that Worknode is the Client's counterparty, the Client's obligations regarding, inter alia, the work environment and that Worknode will invoice the Client the fee agreed between the Client and the Self-employed person for the Assignment (the "Fee") plus applicable VAT. Notwithstanding that the Self-employed person is entitled to freely price the Assignment, the Self-employed person undertakes, in the event that the work to be performed within the framework of the Assignment is covered by a collective agreement, not to price the Assignment below the agreed level according to any collective agreement or stipulate a minimum wage.
2.1 The Self-employed person shall perform the work tasks at the place and at the times agreed between the Self-employed person and the Customer.
2.2 The assignment shall be performed on terms consistent with the terms of these General Conditions.
2.3 The Self-employed person shall perform his tasks within the framework of the Assignment in a professional and thoroughly professional manner and with the best interests of the Customer in mind. The Self-employed person must also comply with all laws, regulations and government regulations that may be applicable in connection with the Self-employed person's duties and otherwise follow the Customer's instructions and instructions.
2.4 The Customer is also responsible for providing work clothes and equipment. The protective equipment necessary for the performance of the Assignment must be approved and adequate in all respects. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to use the protective equipment specified by the Customer.
2.5 In the event that the performance of the Assignment includes driving a vehicle of any kind, the vehicle must, where applicable, be approved, insured, inspected and well maintained. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to drive the vehicle in a safe manner.
2.6 The performance of the Assignment is subject to the Work Environment Act (AML) and the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations (AFS), the Working Hours Act (ATL) and the Discrimination Act.
2.7 It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the Self-employed person's work environment is designed to meet the requirements of AML and AFS and so that the Self-employed person can perform the Assignment without risk of illness or accident. It is the responsibility of the Customer to, before the execution of the Assignment, specifically check that the Self-employed person has received sufficient training for the execution of the Assignment. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to control the work environment according to guidelines in Worknode's Work Environment Policy and guidelines for systematic work environment work.
2.8 It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person, prior to the execution of the Assignment, to obtain and absorb information about the Assignment from the Customer, and in particular instructions on how the Assignment should be carried out from a work environment perspective.
2.9 It is furthermore incumbent on the Self-employed person to, prior to the execution of the Assignment, read the information and work environment instructions that Worknode has collected on its website, divided by industry, and which are applicable to the Assignment to be performed. In the event that the Self-employed person is unsure of which information is applicable to the Assignment, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to contact Worknode at
2.10 It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the performance of the Assignment is not in violation of ATL's rules or that the Self-employed person is subjected to disadvantage or violations under the Discrimination Act.
2.11 It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to report all deficiencies in the work environment or equipment to Worknode at It is also the responsibility of the Self-employed person to report the defect to the Customer. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to immediately report to both Worknode and the Customer all occupational accidents and incidents (near accidents) that have occurred in connection with the performance of the Assignment. A form for notification can be obtained by contacting
2.12 The Self-Employed Person is obliged to fully assist Worknode, the authorities and Worknode's insurance company in all respects in the investigation of injuries, incidents and the like, of whatever kind they may be.
Worknode enters into an agreement with the Client for the performance of the Assignment including the following obligations for Worknode (the "Obligations"):
a) provide the Self-Employed Person with a Worknode account (the "Account"),
b) administer the billing of the Customer,
c) administer the payment of wages to the Self-Employed Person,
d) report employer's contributions, make tax deductions and submit control information to the Swedish Tax Agency,
(e) provide applicable insurance solutions; and
(f) issue an employer's certificate on request.
4.1 After completion of the assignment, the self-employed person creates an invoice for the assignment that is sent to the customer. The invoice is also available on the Worknode account.
4.2 When the assignment is completed and the customer has paid Worknode's invoice for the assignment performed, salary is paid to the Self-employed person in accordance with section 6 below.
4.3 In the event that the self-employed person's customer does not pay the invoice on time, Worknode will send a notice two days after the due date as a reminder to pay the invoice. Seven days after the due date, a reminder invoice will be sent on which a reminder fee of SEK 60 and penalty interest will be charged. Fifteen days after the due date, a further reminder invoice is sent with a fee of SEK 180, which is added to previous fees, totaling 240 plus reminder fees. Please note that if Self-Employed or their customer wishes to pause the claim process to avoid any fees, this can be done in dialog with Worknodes support, This must be done before fees are applied.
4.4 In the event that the self-employed person's customer pays after the due date and reminder fees are not paid by the invoice recipients, the corresponding fees are deducted from the salary payment to the self-employed person (Worknode's customer).
Worknode is entitled to compensation for its services under the agreement with the Self-Employed ("Compensation"). The compensation is payable when the customer has paid the invoice, but Worknode is entitled to compensation even if the Customer has not paid the invoice.
6.1 The Self-employed person is entitled to a salary amounting to the Fee less the Remuneration, employer's contributions, preliminary tax and other deductions.
6.2 Net salary and vacation pay are paid directly, but no later than the last working day of the current month, provided that the Customer has paid Worknode's invoice in accordance with section 4 above.
6.3 The payment is made to the account belonging to the Self-employed person or to the specified bank account. Payment from Worknode's account to the specified bank account is based on the Self-employed person's choice of payment frequency, however, any outstanding salary is always paid no later than the last weekday of each month.
6.4 Sick pay, As your employer during the assignment, Worknode is responsible for statutory sick pay for the period of sick day, 2 to 14 during any sick leave provided that the following conditions are met and that the documents are correctly and completely filled in.
The application for sickness benefit must be made within a reasonable time.
Sick pay is paid at 80% of your gross salary for the assignment, prel. tax deducted according to law.For sick pay to be paid, pre-registration of your specific gig must have taken place, this is done by downloading the document "Pre-registration", fill in all the information and send via e-mail to
Link to the document "Pre-notification"
For sick pay to be paid, your assignment must last at least 4 weeks to qualify for sick pay. You must also have worked continuously for at least 14 days before the date of illness. Employment is counted together provided that the gap between two work dates is not greater than 7 days. Please note that sick pay is only processed for the days and hours you would have worked via Worknode. In the event of illness, you must report sick to your employer on the same day and via e-mail to with your name, social security number and from which assignment you are reporting sick. Worknode applies 1 day of sick leave and you must present a medical certificate from the first day. If you meet the requirements above, Worknode will pay sick pay from day 2 to day 14. After that, Försäkringskassan will handle your case.
When you return to work, you will be notified by e-mail to with your name, social security number and from which gig you were sick.When you apply for sick pay, you need to e-mail the following to
- The document "Application for sick pay"- Medical certificate from the first day of illness- Copy of your pre-notification- Documents proving that work was agreed before you fell ill, such as emails, text messages, time sheets or assignment agreements.
- Proof that you have been working continuously for at least 14 days via Worknode before the illness.
Link to the document "Application for sick pay"
Invoiced expenses excluding VAT are covered by the compensation charged by Worknode, according to §5. This means that Worknode calculates compensation on the total gross amount of the invoice.
8.1 During employment, the self-employed person may be covered by accident insurance (TFO) and group life insurance (TGL). The conditions for being covered by the insurance coverage are stated in this agreement and on Worknode's website; under "Insurance". Insurance coverage only exists if damage occurred after the Self-employed person became a customer/registered account and approved the general terms and conditions at Worknode.
8.2 During the ongoing Assignment, the Self-employed person is insured by a general liability insurance provided by Worknode. However, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to check and ensure that Worknode's liability insurance covers the Assignment specified by the Self-employed person and that it is not subject to any exception. Reasons for Exemption from the general liability insurance can be found below and at under "Insurance". In the event that the Self-employed person is unsure whether the liability insurance covers the Assignment, the self-employed person is requested to contact Worknode at before the assignment is carried out. Worknode does not take any responsibility for either the individual, work, facility, assets or property as no employment exists between Worknode and the individual in accordance with the terms of the General Terms and Conditions.
8.3 The insurance does not apply to activities such as (but not limited to)
By law, requires specific authorization or registration to carry out the activity. For example, for road transport, SWEDAC and accredited activities.
Requires specific professional skills, certificates, for example, specialized construction activities for electrical installation and gas installation works.
By law, special liability insurance is required as a condition for obtaining a license or similar. e.g. auditing, insurance brokerage and real estate brokerage.
Health care provided by licensed personnel in accordance with the Patient Safety Act.
Under general provisions that may constitute an insured contract and there is a specially adapted scope under ABK09.
Which by their nature are continuous e.g. advanced manufacturing.
Refers to management assignments with an associational responsibility.
Refers to individual contracts with a total contract amount exceeding 10% of the annual turnover, but not exceeding SEK 2 000 000.
In cases where Worknode's insurance does not cover, additional insurance can be provided in some cases. Inquiries regarding this should be made in advance at
9.1 The self-employed person transfers the ownership and the exclusive right of disposal of all material and the result that arises through the self-employed person's care or participation ("the result") to the customer. According to the Copyright Act, the copyright to the work / result belongs to the self-employed person unless another agreement has been reached on copyright between the self-employed person and the client.
9.2 The Self-employed person is responsible for ensuring that the Result does not infringe or constitute infringement of another's intellectual property rights.
9.3 Worknode is not responsible for the Result's infringement of another's intellectual property rights.
10.1 The Self-employed person is responsible to the Customer for any errors or deficiencies in the Assignment performed. After a complaint from the Customer, the Self-employed person must remedy the reported error or deficiency within a reasonable time, if practically possible. Worknode assumes no responsibility to the Customer for the errors and deficiencies that may exist in the assignment performed by the Self-employed person.
10.2 In the event that the Client does not approve the Assignment in part or in full and withhold payment of Worknode's invoice, without making a false claim or similar, it is Worknode's responsibility to immediately notify the Self-Employed Person of the Client's lack of approval and / or payment. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to fully assist Worknode with everything from documentation to dealing with the Customer and, if Worknode so wishes, to communicate directly with the Customer.
10.3 In the event that the Client does not approve the Assignment in part or in full and withhold payment of Worknode's invoice, Worknode may, through partners, offer the Self-Employed Person the opportunity to seek and collect the Fee through debt collection proceedings. Any cost that Worknode will be charged with for the collection procedure, regardless of the outcome of the latter, is the responsibility of the Self-employed person.
10.4 Worknode is responsible to the Self-employed person and the Customer for the administrative commitments ("Commitments") set out in section 4 above.
10.5 Complaints and claims regarding errors or deficiencies in the Assignments must be made by the Self-employed person or the Customer as soon as they have become aware of the circumstances on which the claim is based. Claims may not be made later than seven (7) days after the later of (i) the date on which the last invoice was issued for the Assignment to which the claim relates and (ii) the date on which the circumstances in question were known to the Self-Employed Person or the Customer or, after reasonable investigation, could have become known to the Self-Employed Person or the Customer.
10.6 The customer has primary responsibility and is liable to third parties for the Self-employed person as for their own employees and is basically liable to third parties for damage or loss that the Self-employed person may cause third parties. When Worknode maintains general liability insurance adapted to the business and that the Self-employed person may have taken out special liability insurance, damage or loss that the Self-employed person has caused third parties may be compensated by liability insurance.
10.7 Worknode is not liable in any case for indirect damage either to the Self-employed person or to the Customer caused by the Self-employed person such as, for example, loss of profit, loss or other consequential damage, including the Customer's possible liability to third parties or loss of information.
10.8 Worknode's liability to the Self-Employed Person for errors and omissions in the Undertakings is limited to negligence.
10.9 Should liability for damages arise for Worknode, Worknode's liability is limited to a total amount corresponding to 0.5 price base amounts, but not more than Worknode's share of the invoiced amount of the Assignment. In the case of Assignments on current account, the invoiced amount is calculated on the price for the last twelve (12) months for the Assignment. If the price agreed by the Self-employed person with the Client is less than 0.5 price base amounts, Worknode's maximum liability shall instead be limited to an amount corresponding to 0.1 price base amounts.
10.10 In the event that liability is established for Worknode to compensate third parties for damage or loss incurred within the framework of the Assignment on other grounds than what is regulated within the framework of these terms and conditions, e.g. non-contractual grounds, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to indemnify Worknode and pay compensation to Worknode corresponding to what Worknode has been forced to pay to third parties and Worknode's costs for meeting and disputing claims.
The Self-Employed Person shall not, either during the employment or after its termination (unless required by the Self-Employed Person's performance of his or her duties under the contract with Worknode or by law), use or disclose to any other person or company any information relating to Worknode or the Client which Worknode or the Client may reasonably be expected to wish to keep confidential.
12.1 In order to administer matters relating to the employment relationship between the Self-employed person and Worknode, Worknode will process the Self-employed person's personal data in accordance with Worknode's personal data policy,
12.2 The Self-Employed hereby consents to all processing of personal data by Worknode for the purposes set out in Worknode's Privacy Policy.
13.1 If the Self-employed person grossly neglects his obligations under the employment contract or otherwise grossly neglects his obligations towards Worknode, Worknode is entitled to terminate the agreement with the Self-employed person with immediate effect.
13.2 In the event that the Customer disputes the invoice and Worknode can establish that the Self-employed person (i) has not performed part or all of the Assignment or has grossly neglected the performance of the Assignment, or (ii) the Self-employed person has otherwise acted in bad faith and given Worknode incorrect information about the content, scope or other relevant circumstances of the Assignment, Worknode is entitled to both terminate the agreement and to revoke and credit the invoice issued to the Customer.
13.3 In the event that the invoice to the customer for the Assignment has been revoked and credited by Worknode as a result of the Self-employed person not having performed work or been grossly negligent in the performance, Worknode is entitled to reclaim any salary and other remuneration paid to the Self-employed person for the performance of the Assignment. The amount that the self-employed person has to repay to Worknode includes the total gross amount, i.e. including preliminary tax paid by Worknode to the Swedish Tax Agency.
13.4 For the self-employed person's fulfillment of repayment of incorrectly paid salary and compensation, Worknode is entitled, in the first instance, to make a salary deduction on the salary not yet paid to the self-employed person and, in the second instance, to claim repayment of the net salary paid to the self-employed person.
13.5 The Self-employed person undertakes to fully participate in adjusting or requesting a refund of the preliminary tax that Worknode has paid to the Swedish Tax Agency and to pay the amount to Worknode immediately after receiving the refund. In the event that an adjustment is obtained, the self-employed person must repay the amount to Worknode within 30 days from the date of the adjustment notice. In the event that repayment has not taken place earlier, repayment must be made no later than 60 days after the Self-employed person has received the final tax assessment for the year to which the compensation is attributable.
The Giggare is responsible for ensuring that the insurance offered by Worknode covers the type of work to be performed. If there is no insurance for the assignment, Worknode will not enter into any employment with the Self-employed person. Notification of rejection of the pre-registration will not be given as no employment relationship thus exists.
Pre-notification can only be made for a maximum of 4 weeks and each day must be specified with dates, hours and compensation. If the assignment extends over a longer period, the Self-employed person is therefore required to continuously send pre-notification for the coming period. An assignment can be pre-notified at the earliest five (5) days before the start of the assignment and must be supported by a valid agreement from the client.
Pre-register your specific Mission by downloading the "Pre-registration" document, filling in all the information and sending by e-mail to
Link to the document "Pre-notification"
In order to be able to apply for sick pay, pre-notification of the Assignment is required and you must fulfill the conditions and procedures that are set up around sick pay, see § 6.4
Read about Worknode insurance here:
Worknode has the right to change the general conditions without prior notice or approval from the Self-employed person. Changes will take effect (1) month after the Self-employed person has been notified of the change. Notification is made only by publishing the terms and conditions on Worknode's website.
General terms and conditions
(previous version)
Published 2024-07-13
Updated 2024-11-01
These general terms and conditions ("General Terms and Conditions") apply between Worknode Freelance AB, org. no. 559156-1294 ("Worknode"), and a self-employed person ("Self-employed Person"). Worknode's Personal Data Policy and Cookie Policy, which can be read on Worknode's website; under the heading "Agreement and General Terms and Conditions", form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.
1.1 The Self-employed person is employed by Worknode by the Self-employed person and the client company ("the Client") agreeing that the Self-employed person will perform a certain work for the Client ("the Assignment"). The employment is a general fixed-term employment in accordance with Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80), which applies during the time when the freelancer performs work for the Client, provided that the nature of the work is not covered by Worknode's insurance in accordance with §1.2.
1.2 The employment contract is concluded by the Self-employed person having registered their personal details and created a Worknode account, read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions. If the Self-employed person does not accept Worknode's general terms and conditions, an employment relationship is not considered to have been established. In the event that the Self-Employed Person does not comply with Worknode's general terms and conditions, it shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract that entitles Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-Employment Agreement. Worknode has the right but no obligation to undertake the Assignment. Worknode reserves the right to freely and without giving reasons to refuse to accept the Assignment. In the event that the Self-employed person chooses to take on assignments that are not covered by Worknode's insurance, it shall be considered a material breach of contract that entails a right for Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-employment Agreement. To read about which activities Worknode's insurance covers (see also §8.3). In cases where Worknode's insurance does not cover an assignment, in some cases additional insurance can be provided. Inquiries regarding this can be made at
1.3 In the event that the performance of the Assignment requires the Self-Employed Person to have certain permits, authorization, certification, registration or similar, it is the Self-Employed Person's responsibility to provide Worknode with such documentation before the Assignment begins. In the event that Worknode has not notified its approval of the Assignment in advance, the Self-employed person is personally responsible for the risks and requirements associated with the assignment.
1.4 It is the responsibility of the self-employed person to inform, via email to, of circumstances that are essential for Worknode's fulfillment of its obligations to the Customer or for the self-employed person to be covered by Worknode's insurance coverage.
1.5 The employment contract runs for a maximum of 4 weeks at a time linked to the start and end dates of the assignment. Each invoice period is considered to correspond to a period of employment, but no more than 4 weeks at a time.
1.6 Worknode has no obligation to the Self-employed person to provide him with other assignments than what the Self-employed person has agreed with the Customer.
1.7 The Self-Employed Person shall comply with general laws and regulations and act responsibly, linked to the assignment. In the event that the employee should violate general laws and regulations or behave grossly irresponsible, it shall be considered a material breach of contract that entails a right for Worknode to immediately terminate the Self-Employment Agreement.
1.8 In the event that Worknode and the Client have not entered into an Assignment Agreement or cooperation agreement, the Self-employed person is obliged to inform the Client that Worknode is the Client's counterparty, the Client's obligations regarding, inter alia, the work environment and that Worknode will invoice the Client the fee agreed between the Client and the Self-employed person for the Assignment (the "Fee") plus applicable VAT. Notwithstanding that the Self-employed person is entitled to freely price the Assignment, the Self-employed person undertakes, in the event that the work to be performed within the framework of the Assignment is covered by a collective agreement, not to price the Assignment below the agreed level according to any collective agreement or stipulate a minimum wage.
2.1 The Self-employed person shall perform the work tasks at the place and at the times agreed between the Self-employed person and the Customer.
2.2 The assignment shall be performed on terms consistent with the terms of these General Conditions.
2.3 The Self-employed person shall perform his tasks within the framework of the Assignment in a professional and thoroughly professional manner and with the best interests of the Customer in mind. The Self-employed person must also comply with all laws, regulations and government regulations that may be applicable in connection with the Self-employed person's duties and otherwise follow the Customer's instructions and instructions.
2.4 The Customer is also responsible for providing work clothes and equipment. The protective equipment necessary for the performance of the Assignment must be approved and adequate in all respects. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to use the protective equipment specified by the Customer.
2.5 In the event that the performance of the Assignment includes driving a vehicle of any kind, the vehicle must, where applicable, be approved, insured, inspected and well maintained. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to drive the vehicle in a safe manner.
2.6 The performance of the Assignment is subject to the Work Environment Act (AML) and the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations (AFS), the Working Hours Act (ATL) and the Discrimination Act.
2.7 It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the Self-employed person's work environment is designed to meet the requirements of AML and AFS and so that the Self-employed person can perform the Assignment without risk of illness or accident. It is the responsibility of the Customer to, before the execution of the Assignment, specifically check that the Self-employed person has received sufficient training for the execution of the Assignment. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to control the work environment according to guidelines in Worknode's Work Environment Policy and guidelines for systematic work environment work.
2.8 It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person, prior to the execution of the Assignment, to obtain and absorb information about the Assignment from the Customer, and in particular instructions on how the Assignment should be carried out from a work environment perspective.
2.9 It is furthermore incumbent on the Self-employed person to, prior to the execution of the Assignment, read the information and work environment instructions that Worknode has collected on its website, divided by industry, and which are applicable to the Assignment to be performed. In the event that the Self-employed person is unsure of which information is applicable to the Assignment, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to contact Worknode at
2.10 It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the performance of the Assignment is not in violation of ATL's rules or that the Self-employed person is subjected to disadvantage or violations under the Discrimination Act.
2.11 It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to report all deficiencies in the work environment or equipment to Worknode at It is also the responsibility of the Self-employed person to report the defect to the Customer. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to immediately report to both Worknode and the Customer all occupational accidents and incidents (near accidents) that have occurred in connection with the performance of the Assignment. A form for notification can be obtained by contacting
2.12 The Self-Employed Person is obliged to fully assist Worknode, the authorities and Worknode's insurance company in all respects in the investigation of injuries, incidents and the like, of whatever kind they may be.
Worknode enters into an agreement with the Client for the performance of the Assignment including the following obligations for Worknode (the "Obligations"):
a) provide the Self-Employed Person with a Worknode account (the "Account"),
b) administer the billing of the Customer,
c) administer the payment of wages to the Self-Employed Person,
d) report employer's contributions, make tax deductions and submit control information to the Swedish Tax Agency,
(e) provide applicable insurance solutions; and
(f) issue an employer's certificate on request.
4.1 After completion of the assignment, the self-employed person creates an invoice for the assignment that is sent to the customer. The invoice is also available on the Worknode account.
4.2 When the assignment is completed and the customer has paid Worknode's invoice for the assignment performed, salary is paid to the Self-employed person in accordance with section 6 below.
4.3 In the event that the self-employed person's customer does not pay the invoice on time, Worknode will send a notice two days after the due date as a reminder to pay the invoice. Seven days after the due date, a reminder invoice will be sent on which a reminder fee of SEK 60 and penalty interest will be charged. Fifteen days after the due date, a further reminder invoice is sent with a fee of SEK 180, which is added to previous fees, totaling 240 plus reminder fees. Please note that if Self-Employed or their customer wishes to pause the claim process to avoid any fees, this can be done in dialog with Worknodes support, This must be done before fees are applied.
4.4 In the event that the self-employed person's customer pays after the due date and reminder fees are not paid by the invoice recipients, the corresponding fees are deducted from the salary payment to the self-employed person (Worknode's customer).
Worknode is entitled to compensation for its services under the agreement with the Self-Employed ("Compensation"). The compensation is payable when the customer has paid the invoice, but Worknode is entitled to compensation even if the Customer has not paid the invoice.
6.1 The Self-employed person is entitled to a salary amounting to the Fee less the Remuneration, employer's contributions, preliminary tax and other deductions.
6.2 Net salary and vacation pay are paid directly, but no later than the last working day of the current month, provided that the Customer has paid Worknode's invoice in accordance with section 4 above.
6.3 The payment is made to the account belonging to the Self-employed person or to the specified bank account. Payment from Worknode's account to the specified bank account is based on the Self-employed person's choice of payment frequency, however, any outstanding salary is always paid no later than the last weekday of each month.
6.4 Sick pay, As your employer during the assignment, Worknode is responsible for statutory sick pay for the period of sick day, 2 to 14 during any sick leave provided that the following conditions are met and that the documents are correctly and completely filled in.
The application for sickness benefit must be made within a reasonable time.
Sick pay is paid at 80% of your gross salary for the assignment, prel. tax deducted according to law.For sick pay to be paid, pre-registration of your specific gig must have taken place, this is done by downloading the document "Pre-registration", fill in all the information and send via e-mail to
Link to the document "Pre-notification"
For sick pay to be paid, your assignment must last at least 4 weeks to qualify for sick pay. You must also have worked continuously for at least 14 days before the date of illness. Employment is counted together provided that the gap between two work dates is not greater than 7 days. Please note that sick pay is only processed for the days and hours you would have worked via Worknode. In the event of illness, you must report sick to your employer on the same day and via e-mail to with your name, social security number and from which assignment you are reporting sick. Worknode applies 1 day of sick leave and you must present a medical certificate from the first day. If you meet the requirements above, Worknode will pay sick pay from day 2 to day 14. After that, Försäkringskassan will handle your case.
When you return to work, you will be notified by e-mail to with your name, social security number and from which gig you were sick.When you apply for sick pay, you need to e-mail the following to
- The document "Application for sick pay"- Medical certificate from the first day of illness- Copy of your pre-notification- Documents proving that work was agreed before you fell ill, such as emails, text messages, time sheets or assignment agreements.
- Proof that you have been working continuously for at least 14 days via Worknode before the illness.
Link to the document "Application for sick pay"
Invoiced expenses excluding VAT are covered by the compensation charged by Worknode, according to §5. This means that Worknode calculates compensation on the total gross amount of the invoice.
8.1 During employment, the self-employed person may be covered by accident insurance (TFO) and group life insurance (TGL). The conditions for being covered by the insurance coverage are stated in this agreement and on Worknode's website; under "Insurance". Insurance coverage only exists if damage occurred after the Self-employed person became a customer/registered account and approved the general terms and conditions at Worknode.
8.2 During the ongoing Assignment, the Self-employed person is insured by a general liability insurance provided by Worknode. However, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to check and ensure that Worknode's liability insurance covers the Assignment specified by the Self-employed person and that it is not subject to any exception. Reasons for Exemption from the general liability insurance can be found below and at under "Insurance". In the event that the Self-employed person is unsure whether the liability insurance covers the Assignment, the self-employed person is requested to contact Worknode at before the assignment is carried out. Worknode does not take any responsibility for either the individual, work, facility, assets or property as no employment exists between Worknode and the individual in accordance with the terms of the General Terms and Conditions.
8.3 The insurance does not apply to activities such as (but not limited to)
By law, requires specific authorization or registration to carry out the activity. For example, for road transport, SWEDAC and accredited activities.
Requires specific professional skills, certificates, for example, specialized construction activities for electrical installation and gas installation works.
By law, special liability insurance is required as a condition for obtaining a license or similar. e.g. auditing, insurance brokerage and real estate brokerage.
Health care provided by licensed personnel in accordance with the Patient Safety Act.
Under general provisions that may constitute an insured contract and there is a specially adapted scope under ABK09.
Which by their nature are continuous e.g. advanced manufacturing.
Refers to management assignments with an associational responsibility.
Refers to individual contracts with a total contract amount exceeding 10% of the annual turnover, but not exceeding SEK 2 000 000.
In cases where Worknode's insurance does not cover, additional insurance can be provided in some cases. Inquiries regarding this should be made in advance at
9.1 The Self-employed person transfers the ownership and the exclusive right of disposal of all material and the result that arises through the Self-employed person's care or participation, including all copyrights, during the Assignment ("Result") to the Customer. Assigned copyrights and similar rights may be freely transferred and changed without the consent of the Self-Employed. For this transfer, no compensation shall be paid, in addition to the salary payable under the Self-employed person's agreement with Worknode. Worknode in turn transfers the Result to the Customer.
9.2 The Self-employed person is responsible for ensuring that the Result does not infringe or constitute infringement of another's intellectual property rights.
9.3 Worknode is not responsible for the Result's infringement of another's intellectual property rights.
10.1 The Self-employed person is responsible to the Customer for any errors or deficiencies in the Assignment performed. After a complaint from the Customer, the Self-employed person must remedy the reported error or deficiency within a reasonable time, if practically possible. Worknode assumes no responsibility to the Customer for the errors and deficiencies that may exist in the assignment performed by the Self-employed person.
10.2 In the event that the Client does not approve the Assignment in part or in full and withhold payment of Worknode's invoice, without making a false claim or similar, it is Worknode's responsibility to immediately notify the Self-Employed Person of the Client's lack of approval and / or payment. It is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to fully assist Worknode with everything from documentation to dealing with the Customer and, if Worknode so wishes, to communicate directly with the Customer.
10.3 In the event that the Client does not approve the Assignment in part or in full and withhold payment of Worknode's invoice, Worknode may, through partners, offer the Self-Employed Person the opportunity to seek and collect the Fee through debt collection proceedings. Any cost that Worknode will be charged with for the collection procedure, regardless of the outcome of the latter, is the responsibility of the Self-employed person.
10.4 Worknode is responsible to the Self-employed person and the Customer for the administrative commitments ("Commitments") set out in section 4 above.
10.5 Complaints and claims regarding errors or deficiencies in the Assignments must be made by the Self-employed person or the Customer as soon as they have become aware of the circumstances on which the claim is based. Claims may not be made later than seven (7) days after the later of (i) the date on which the last invoice was issued for the Assignment to which the claim relates and (ii) the date on which the circumstances in question were known to the Self-Employed Person or the Customer or, after reasonable investigation, could have become known to the Self-Employed Person or the Customer.
10.6 The customer has primary responsibility and is liable to third parties for the Self-employed person as for their own employees and is basically liable to third parties for damage or loss that the Self-employed person may cause third parties. When Worknode maintains general liability insurance adapted to the business and that the Self-employed person may have taken out special liability insurance, damage or loss that the Self-employed person has caused third parties may be compensated by liability insurance.
10.7 Worknode is not liable in any case for indirect damage either to the Self-employed person or to the Customer caused by the Self-employed person such as, for example, loss of profit, loss or other consequential damage, including the Customer's possible liability to third parties or loss of information.
10.8 Worknode's liability to the Self-Employed Person for errors and omissions in the Undertakings is limited to negligence.
10.9 Should liability for damages arise for Worknode, Worknode's liability is limited to a total amount corresponding to 0.5 price base amounts, but not more than Worknode's share of the invoiced amount of the Assignment. In the case of Assignments on current account, the invoiced amount is calculated on the price for the last twelve (12) months for the Assignment. If the price agreed by the Self-employed person with the Client is less than 0.5 price base amounts, Worknode's maximum liability shall instead be limited to an amount corresponding to 0.1 price base amounts.
10.10 In the event that liability is established for Worknode to compensate third parties for damage or loss incurred within the framework of the Assignment on other grounds than what is regulated within the framework of these terms and conditions, e.g. non-contractual grounds, it is the responsibility of the Self-employed person to indemnify Worknode and pay compensation to Worknode corresponding to what Worknode has been forced to pay to third parties and Worknode's costs for meeting and disputing claims.
The Self-Employed Person shall not, either during the employment or after its termination (unless required by the Self-Employed Person's performance of his or her duties under the contract with Worknode or by law), use or disclose to any other person or company any information relating to Worknode or the Client which Worknode or the Client may reasonably be expected to wish to keep confidential.
12.1 In order to administer matters relating to the employment relationship between the Self-employed person and Worknode, Worknode will process the Self-employed person's personal data in accordance with Worknode's personal data policy,
12.2 The Self-Employed hereby consents to all processing of personal data by Worknode for the purposes set out in Worknode's Privacy Policy.
13.1 If the Self-employed person grossly neglects his obligations under the employment contract or otherwise grossly neglects his obligations towards Worknode, Worknode is entitled to terminate the agreement with the Self-employed person with immediate effect.
13.2 In the event that the Customer disputes the invoice and Worknode can establish that the Self-employed person (i) has not performed part or all of the Assignment or has grossly neglected the performance of the Assignment, or (ii) the Self-employed person has otherwise acted in bad faith and given Worknode incorrect information about the content, scope or other relevant circumstances of the Assignment, Worknode is entitled to both terminate the agreement and to revoke and credit the invoice issued to the Customer.
13.3 In the event that the invoice to the customer for the Assignment has been revoked and credited by Worknode as a result of the Self-employed person not having performed work or been grossly negligent in the performance, Worknode is entitled to reclaim any salary and other remuneration paid to the Self-employed person for the performance of the Assignment. The amount that the self-employed person has to repay to Worknode includes the total gross amount, i.e. including preliminary tax paid by Worknode to the Swedish Tax Agency.
13.4 For the self-employed person's fulfillment of repayment of incorrectly paid salary and compensation, Worknode is entitled, in the first instance, to make a salary deduction on the salary not yet paid to the self-employed person and, in the second instance, to claim repayment of the net salary paid to the self-employed person.
13.5 The Self-employed person undertakes to fully participate in adjusting or requesting a refund of the preliminary tax that Worknode has paid to the Swedish Tax Agency and to pay the amount to Worknode immediately after receiving the refund. In the event that an adjustment is obtained, the self-employed person must repay the amount to Worknode within 30 days from the date of the adjustment notice. In the event that repayment has not taken place earlier, repayment must be made no later than 60 days after the Self-employed person has received the final tax assessment for the year to which the compensation is attributable.
The Giggare is responsible for ensuring that the insurance offered by Worknode covers the type of work to be performed. If there is no insurance for the assignment, Worknode will not enter into any employment with the Self-employed person. Notification of rejection of the pre-notification will not be given as no employment relationship thus exists.
Pre-notification can only be made for a maximum of 4 weeks and each day must be specified with dates, hours and compensation. If the assignment extends over a longer period, the Self-employed person is therefore required to continuously send pre-notification for the coming period. An assignment can be pre-notified at the earliest five (5) days before the start of the assignment and must be supported by a valid agreement from the client.
Pre-register your specific Mission by downloading the "Pre-registration" document, filling in all the information and sending by e-mail to
Link to the document "Pre-notification"
In order to be able to apply for sick pay, pre-notification of the Assignment is required and you must fulfill the conditions and procedures that are set up around sick pay, see § 6.4
Read about Worknode insurance here:
Worknode has the right to change the general conditions without prior notice or approval from the Self-employed person. Changes will take effect (1) month after the Self-employed person has been notified of the change. Notification is only done by publishing the terms and conditions on Worknode's website.